In need of more solar stoke? If you’re hoping to become an eclipse expert, or sticking around for the big day, get involved with the following public eclipse presentations, expert talks, and public pop-ups.
1. Meet Wyoming Stargazing’s Executive Director THIS WEEK. Samuel Singer, PhD. will be offering a presentation on the Solar Eclipse on Monday, 7/17. Get psyched about the eclipse and learn just how lucky we are for the opportunity: link
2. If you are still amped for eclipse knowledge, the town of Jackson has presentations from knowledgeable speakers leading up to eclipse day: link
3. Immerse yourself in the night sky and peak through our telescopes for free! Wyoming Stargazing will be offering our Free Public Stargazing Program at Rendezvous Park on August 18th, 9pm- 11pm before the eclipse: link
4. Free Coffee and Solar Scope viewing! Meet up with us for solar telescopes and free coffee August 19th at the Jackson Hole Farmer’s Market on the Jackson Town Square from 8am-1pm.
5. GRAND FINALE! Be there at the Base of Snow King on August 21st for eclipse day! We’ll be out with our telescopes and our intelligent Stargazing Leaders as we view the main event of the summer: link