100 Days Until Totality! 6 Days Left – Eclipse Operating Hours: Teton County Integrated Solid Waste and Recycling from TetonEclipse.com

Via: Teton County Integrated Solid Waste & Recycling


Contact: Mari Allan Hanna, Teton County Integrated Solid Waste & Recycling



ISWR Eclipse Operations FINALHours of Operations

Eclipse Operating Hours: Teton County Integrated Solid Waste and Recycling Jackson, Wyo., July 20, 2017 – Please note that Teton County is advising community members to avoid unnecessary travel and use of County services on and around the August 21st solar eclipse event. Residents are advised to: 1. Fill the Tank by purchasing an adequate supply of gas and groceries in advance of the event; and, 2. Empty the Tank by emptying trash and recycling bins ahead of time at the proper facilities. This will ensure maximum capacity in your refuse and recycling bins so that you can delay the need for services until operations have returned to normal. The Teton County Trash Transfer Station and Recycling Center will offer alternate and extended hours of operation surrounding the August 21st eclipse event. In order to minimize traffic congestion, trash and recycling haulers may conduct night time collections during this time period. Please review the following schedule and contact us with any questions. For comprehensive information related to operations and plans for Teton County and other local agencies, please download or view the Teton Solar Eclipse Community Operations Manual available at www.tetoneclipse.com/locals/.

By Kathryn Brackenridge

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