A Wyoming Stargazing Tour Time-Lapse

Wyoming Stargazing Tour

Ever wondered what a Wyoming Stargazing tour would look like as a time-lapse? I used to also. Then I made the video below.

Back in September, the media went buzzing with the prospect of northern lights and how they were going to wow the socks off of the lower 48! They never showed up though. Not even the newsletter we sent out that day could coax the auroras down south (we tried). Hoping for a time-lapse of stargazing below the northern lights, I set my gear up and captured a time-lapse that night regardless. Early in the video, there is a faint pink glow on the northern horizon, but it fades fairly quickly. Toward the end, the landscape becomes lit up as the moon rises in the east. Throughout the video, you can see us making good use of our laser pointers as the occasional car drives by, also lighting up the landscape from the east.

The time-lapse on its own seemed like it needed some noise in the background, so I threw together a little track to go with it.

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