DIY Sunset and Stargazing Adventure in Grand Teton N.P.

DIY Sunset and Stargazing Adventure in Grand Teton N.P.

Spring is a special time here in Jackson, WY. As the snow line slowly recedes up the mountains, water again begins to flow through the valley and the lush green forests become active and full with life. However, as Summer fast approaches the days grow longer, which attract visitors with long days of outdoor adventures. […]

Cómo ver la aurora boreal desde Jackson Hole, Wyoming

The Myths about Auroras First let’s dispel some myths about the northern lights. How to Read the Northern Lights Forecast On the right is a screenshot from a website that we frequently check, called SpaceWeatherLive. More specifically, it’s a screenshot from their Auroral Activity page. What this shows is six different readouts from NOAA about […]

Cómo encontrar el cometa C / 2014 Q2 Lovejoy

If you’re looking for a New Year’s miracle in astronomy, Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) is about the closest thing to it. Discovered back in August, the comet was never supposed to achieve naked-eye visibility, but it already has! It will continue to brighten when it’s expected to peak some time around January 7th where it […]

Astrofotografía económica

Astrophotography can seem like a daunting hobby to jump into. Indeed, there are definitely learning curves to overcome, but if it’s something you’re interested in pursuing, our astronomers are always happy to help you along in your goal to capture some deep sky objects with your camera. To help you get started, I’ve written up […]

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