2017 saw the ?Great American Eclipse? visible across much of the northwest, central and southeastern US. An estimated 216 million Americans were fortunate enough to witness that magical event first hand, some traveling far and wide. Here in Jackson, Wyoming we were lucky to lie directly in the ?path of totality? and some of you […]
Categoría: Programas y eventos
Pregúntele al Dr. Sam y Astro-BS
De regreso por demanda popular, Ask Dr. Sam, comenzará nuevamente el próximo martes de 4:30 pm a 5:30 pm MDT todas las semanas. Es una gran oportunidad para que los estudiantes y sus padres tengan la oportunidad de hacer todas sus preguntas candentes a nuestro Fundador y Director Ejecutivo, el Dr. Sam. Cargue para disfrutar de una buena cena […]
Detrás del telescopio: nuestro trabajo en Jackson, Wyoming
Curious about who we are and what we do? Here’s just a few of the awesome things we’re doing at Wyoming Stargazing in Jackson, Wyoming. https://www.facebook.com/wyomingstargazing/videos/295560781794025/ Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
Después de mirar las estrellas en Wyoming ...
Once you get hooked on stargazing by looking through one of our huge telescopes in Jackson Hole and you’re planning on another adventure somewhere out West check out the night sky with other seasoned professionals. In the Aspen area in Colorado you can join Star Party LLC.
La serie de oradores de ciencia comienza con el astronauta Scott Altman
Wyoming Stargazing se complace en dar la bienvenida al astronauta Scott Altman a Jackson este fin de semana para dar inicio a nuestra serie de oradores científicos World Above the Tetons.
Dark Sky Pavilion en Eco Fair este sábado 12 de mayo
Come on down to the Eco Fair at Phil Baux Park (base of Snow King Mountain this Saturday) from 12pm-5pm to check out the Dark Sky Pavilion and some digital full dome movies inside our planetarium. We’ll be powering the Dark Sky Pavilion and the planetarium using Creative Energies solar trailer. Let’s hope for sunshine! […]
¡Programas gratuitos de observación de estrellas / planetarios los viernes!
Thanks to the generous support of people like you Wyoming Stargazing is offering even more FREE, year-round public stargazing/planetarium programs. In the past we’ve had to cancel many of these programs because of bad weather, but not anymore! Now, we have the The Dark Sky Pavilion that was designed by local artist Natalie Clark and […]
¡100 días hasta la totalidad! Faltan 37 días: eventos públicos de eclipse
In need of more solar stoke? If you?re hoping to become an eclipse expert, or sticking around for the big day, get involved with the following public eclipse presentations, expert talks, and public pop-ups. 1. Meet Wyoming Stargazing?s Executive Director THIS WEEK. Samuel Singer, PhD. will be offering a presentation on the Solar Eclipse on […]
¡100 días hasta la totalidad! Quedan 38 días - Eventos privados de Eclipse
Ready to make the most out of your eclipse experience? The ultimate eclipse parties, gatherings, and meet and greets are lined up here for you! Take a look at the following local events that will make your eclipse expectations extra stellar. 1. Pre-Eclipse Party with a NASA Astronaut! Wyoming Stargazing presents a unique nighttime opportunity […]
Serie de blogs "100 días hasta el Eclipse" y eventos de recaudación de fondos de Eclipse
We are 5 months out today from the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse on August 21st! If you haven’t already been able to attend one of the public eclipse presentations offered by our Executive Director Dr. Samuel Singer, please check our events calendar for more eclipse presentations scheduled over the next several months. Beginning on May […]
Fiesta del solsticio de invierno en R-Park
December 21st, the Winter Solstice, is an astronomical phenomenon marking the shortest day and the longest night of the year when, often considered the ?extreme of winter.? Worldwide, interpretation of the event varies across cultures. Many come together to recognize rebirth involving holidays, festivals, gatherings, rituals, and more. In Jackson Hole, annual festivities are held […]
Únase a nosotros para una fiesta con las perseidas
Both town and county voted in our revised LDRs! We’re now one step closer to becoming a Dark Sky Certified community! Look for a future blog post to see what that means and what the next steps are. But in the meantime, it’s time for a celebration! Party with the Perseids! When: Thursday, August 11th, […]