Get Ready for the April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Get Ready for the April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

2017 saw the ?Great American Eclipse? visible across much of the northwest, central and southeastern US. An estimated 216 million Americans were fortunate enough to witness that magical event first hand, some traveling far and wide. Here in Jackson, Wyoming we were lucky to lie directly in the ?path of totality? and some of you […]

Pregúntele al Dr. Sam y Astro-BS

De regreso por demanda popular, Ask Dr. Sam, comenzará nuevamente el próximo martes de 4:30 pm a 5:30 pm MDT todas las semanas. Es una gran oportunidad para que los estudiantes y sus padres tengan la oportunidad de hacer todas sus preguntas candentes a nuestro Fundador y Director Ejecutivo, el Dr. Sam. Cargue para disfrutar de una buena cena […]

Dark Sky Pavilion en Eco Fair este sábado 12 de mayo

Come on down to the Eco Fair at Phil Baux Park (base of Snow King Mountain this Saturday) from 12pm-5pm to check out the Dark Sky Pavilion and some digital full dome movies inside our planetarium. We’ll be powering the Dark Sky Pavilion and the planetarium using Creative Energies solar trailer. Let’s hope for sunshine! […]

Fiesta del solsticio de invierno en R-Park

December 21st, the Winter Solstice, is an astronomical phenomenon marking the shortest day and the longest night of the year when, often considered the ?extreme of winter.? Worldwide, interpretation of the event varies across cultures. Many come together to recognize rebirth involving holidays, festivals, gatherings, rituals, and more. In Jackson Hole, annual festivities are held […]

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