Both town and county voted in our revised LDRs! We’re now one step closer to becoming a Dark Sky Certified community! Look for a future blog post to see what that means and what the next steps are. But in the meantime, it’s time for a celebration! Party with the Perseids! When: Thursday, August 11th, […]
Etiqueta: Anuncio
Orion y el cometa Lovejoy de Mike Cavaroc obtienen APOD
I recently took this photo of Orion and Comet Lovejoy C/2014 Q2 in the night sky and shortly thereafter, was awarded Astronomy Photo Of the Day (APOD) run by NASA! Out of millions of photos submitted from around the world, this one was chosen and published relatively quickly, I’m assuming due to its timeliness. See […]
La observación gratuita de estrellas se ha trasladado al Centro de las Artes
We’re excited to announce that our free, public stargazing events have moved to the Center for the Arts located in downtown Jackson. This move allows us to reach more people thanks to a more convenient location to both locals and tourists, as well as receiving support from the Center for the Arts itself. In addition, […]
Presentación de astronomía del viernes
Come and find out why Jackson should build a public observatory! University of Wyoming Astronomer and Director of the Jelm Mountain Observatory, Dr. Chip Kobulnicky, will present a program entitled: “Wyoming’s Skies: A Gateway to Life, the Universe, and Everything”. In this pictorial presentation, Dr.Chip Kobulnicky will describe how backyard enthusiasts can contribute to modern […]
¡Eclipse lunar total esta noche!
Well, late tonight or early tomorrow morning. Penumbra starts at 2:15 am tonight, totality begins at 4:25 am and ends at 5:25 am, and dawn will break before the moon is fully out of the earth’s shadow next morning! This is the second “blood moon” of the four happening this year and next, approximately one […]
¡Wyoming Stargazing estará en WILDScience este fin de semana!
Are you excited for Jackson Hole’s first ever science festival at the Center for the Arts, Oct. 3-5? Wyoming Stargazing will be there! On Friday at 10 am, after the welcome presentation in the auditorium, Sam Singer will lead a round table activity on Kinesthetic Astronomy, where kids will learn about the phases of the […]
Manteniendo los cielos oscuros de Jackson Hole
On Monday, April 28th at 6pm, local nature and wildlife photographer, Mike Cavaroc, will give a public presentation on the subject of light pollution and how it affects Jackson Hole. Specifics on the subject involve how it affects the region and local wildlife, how to implement affordable solutions, certification from the International Dark Sky Association […]
Presentamos el nuevo sitio web de Wyoming Stargazing
Welcome to the new website for Wyoming Stargazing! We’ve got an entirely new look and feel, and even a new logo. We’re now poised to bring you much more information and events and are even gearing up to take on the light pollution emitted from the Jackson Hole area, so expect lots more information and […]
Campaña de recaudación de fondos de Indiegogo
We just launched a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo. Here’s the link for the campaign: In order to reach our goal we only need 7 people a day to donate $25 each. Thanks for helping out!
Bienvenido al blog oficial de Wyoming Stargazing
Explore the Extraordinary in the Ordinary! We are very excited to introduce the new nonprofit organization Wyoming Stargazing. Based in Jackson Hole Wyoming we are dedicated to providing everyone with opportunities to explore the night sky. Check back here soon for updates about our programs and our latest projects. We’ll periodically let you know what […]