Únase a nosotros para una fiesta con las perseidas

Cómo ver la aurora boreal desde Jackson Hole, Wyoming

The Myths about Auroras First let’s dispel some myths about the northern lights. How to Read the Northern Lights Forecast On the right is a screenshot from a website that we frequently check, called SpaceWeatherLive. More specifically, it’s a screenshot from their Auroral Activity page. What this shows is six different readouts from NOAA about […]

Objetivo de astrofotografía: la galaxia de Andrómeda

We’re kicking off a fun new monthly series of blog posts here on Wyoming Stargazing. This will be a monthly challenge to hone your astrophotography skills on a different deep-space target each month. This month’s astrophotography target is the Andromeda Galaxy. Our nearest galactic neighbor can be found by looking north-northeast toward the constellation of […]

Effects of LED Lights on Light Pollution

Recently, there’s been a popular move in many cities and towns to retrofit their lighting with LEDs. With cheaper energy use, it seems like a no brainer. What most local governments don’t realize, however, is that there are some serious drawbacks to LED lighting if the options are not properly researched. A Quick Overview on […]

Otra luna de sangre este mes

When will it happen? September 27th at approximately 8pm will mark the fourth and final blood moon in a series of a four across a quick, two-year span. The three previous occurred on April 15 2014, October 8 2014, and April 4, 2015. What is a lunar eclipse and why is the Moon going to turn […]

Esquivando una catástrofe en Shooting Star

Over the weekend we hosted a stargazing program at the Shooting Star Golf Club at Teton Village. What was expected to be a routine stargazing program for a large group nearly had a disastrous impact on our equipment. Sam got underway running an indoor program to kickoff the night for the 60 or so people […]

Astronomía solar en terrenos elevados

Beginning this Thursday, and every Thursday for the rest of the Summer, from 12:45-2:45pm Wyoming Stargazing will be offering FREE Solar Astronomy Programs out in front of Elevated Grounds coffee shop near the Aspen’s Market in Wilson. Come safely check out solar flares, sunspots, and other features on the Sun through our solar telescopes. You […]

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