La aurora boreal - Mirando hacia arriba Episodio #2

La aurora boreal - Mirando hacia arriba Episodio #2

En el episodio de esta semana de Looking Up, hablamos de la aurora boreal. Discutiremos la ciencia detrás de la aurora, así como el significado de la aurora boreal a lo largo de la historia. Sintonice y descubra cuándo podrá ver este espectáculo de luces a continuación. Si está interesado en obtener más información sobre […]

Looking Up: una nueva versión de un viejo favorito

This week, we’re learning all about comets! Wyoming Stargazing is excited to have a new version of a classic program for you! If you’ve been following Wyoming Stargazing for a while, you might remember our radio program called Looking Up that was featured on Jackson’s local radio station, KHOL. We’ve taken the radio version of […]

Objetivo de astrofotografía: la galaxia de Andrómeda

We’re kicking off a fun new monthly series of blog posts here on Wyoming Stargazing. This will be a monthly challenge to hone your astrophotography skills on a different deep-space target each month. This month’s astrophotography target is the Andromeda Galaxy. Our nearest galactic neighbor can be found by looking north-northeast toward the constellation of […]

Cómo encontrar el cometa C / 2014 Q2 Lovejoy

If you’re looking for a New Year’s miracle in astronomy, Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) is about the closest thing to it. Discovered back in August, the comet was never supposed to achieve naked-eye visibility, but it already has! It will continue to brighten when it’s expected to peak some time around January 7th where it […]

Astrofotografía económica

Astrophotography can seem like a daunting hobby to jump into. Indeed, there are definitely learning curves to overcome, but if it’s something you’re interested in pursuing, our astronomers are always happy to help you along in your goal to capture some deep sky objects with your camera. To help you get started, I’ve written up […]

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