Happy Spring from Wyoming Stargazing

Sam Singer at Stilson (Bradly J. Boner-News&Guide)

Me at Stilson (Bradly J. Boner-News&Guide)The clouds didn’t break much last night for our fourth free public stargazing event, which have been sponsored by the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium. I managed to show a couple visitors the Great Orion Nebula, to sneak a quick peek at Jupiter, and to avoid a bull moose who wandered just off the edge of the observing site. Last night was our last winter stargazing event this season because today is the spring equinox. Spring is here!

The Equinox is an amazing event. It marks the day when the relative orientation of the Earth’s poles are neither towards the Sun nor away from it from either hemisphere. The result is that for only one of two days of the year (the Spring Equinox and the Fall Equinox) both the north and south hemispheres have equal amounts of daylight and night time on the same day!

The Jackson Hole News&Guide took notice of this and waited until yesterday to publish a really great article about Wyoming Stargazing and our vision of building a public observatory and planetarium. Check it out!

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