Online Content

The Wyoming Stargazing YouTube and Twitch Channels are chock-full of exciting and fascinating videos! Whether you’re an amateur astronomer, or you’ve visited outer space, we’ve got entertaining videos that’ll keep everyone interested. Our topics include Mind-Bending Astronomy, Astronomía Alucinante, Looking Up, Sci-Fi Explained, Ask Dr. Sam, and Virtual Stargazing. Anyone with even a remote interest in looking at the stars will find plenty of videos to whet their appetite and continue to learn about the wondrous cosmos above our heads!

Detailed descriptions for each show are below, or you can head to our YouTube or Twitch channel and start browsing!

Mind-Bending Astronomy

Mind-Bending Astronomy is Wyoming Stargazing’s series in which we share mind bending facts about astronomy, some astronomy history and current events, as well as answers to all your burning questions about the Cosmos on our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channel. We’ll also share additional resources for you to learn more about each topic. We encourage you to ask all your burning questions about the Universe in the comments section below each post and we’ll do our best to answer them!

Astronomía Alucinante

Astronomía Alucinante es la serie de Wyoming Stargazing en la que compartimos datos alucinantes sobre astronomía, algo de historia astronómica y eventos actuales, así como respuestas a todas sus preguntas candentes sobre el Cosmos en nuestro canal de Facebook, Instagram y YouTube. También compartiremos recursos adicionales para que aprendas más sobre cada tema. ¡Lo alentamos a que haga todas sus preguntas candentes sobre el Universo en la sección de comentarios debajo de cada publicación y haremos todo lo posible para responderlas!

Looking Up

Looking Up is your source for astronomical facts, history, and current events. Each week we’ll share a bit about what’s visible in the night sky, some science behind those objects, and a bit about the history of astronomy.  We’ll also share additional resources for you to learn more about each topic. We encourage you to ask all your burning questions about the Universe in the comments section below each post and we’ll do our best to answer them.

Sci-Fi Explained

Sci-Fi Explained is a weekly virtual program where we dissect a popular sci-fi movie and explain which scenes depict good science and which scenes just show science fiction. Feel free to ask all the questions you have and to make suggestions for the next sci-fi movie we dissect. All prior sessions of recorded Sci-Fi Explained videos can be found on our YouTube channel!

Ask Dr. Sam

Ask Dr. Sam is your opportunity to chat with our Founder and Executive Director, Dr. Sam, in real-time. Ask all your burning questions about the Cosmos – the sky is not the limit! For a private session of Ask Dr. Sam, send us an email.

Virtual Stargazing

See galaxies, star clusters, comets, planetary nebula, and more from the comfort of your own home with Virtual Stargazing! We’ve done Virtual Stargazing here in Jackson in the northern hemisphere with Dr. Mike Adler and we also have southern hemisphere Virtual Stargazing available from our good friend Ben Coley at Celestial Events in South Africa! Explore the Universe from the comfort of your living room with all of our prior Virtual Stargazing recordings.

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