Countdown to Lights Out!
This countdown has been ended already!
Click here to add your pledge and address to the map below to turn off lights for the Lights Out Challenge JH from 10:00pm-12:00am on Saturday, July 30th 2022!

Sat., July 30th 2022
Stilson Transit Center
Ways to Get Involved:
- Click here to pledge to turn off as many exterior lights as possible from 10:00PM – 12:00AM on Sat., July. 30th or just turn them off before you go to bed.
- Join us at the Stilson Transit Center for some stargazing and to get the chance to see some Perseid Meteors!
- If you’re a photographer and want to help us out with collecting baseline data before the event as well as during the event please contact Samuel@wyomingstargazing.org
Become part of the growing movement to Save our Night Skies!
Why We Are Doing This:
- To raise awareness about the negative effects of light pollution
- To demonstrate how beautiful our night sky can really be if we just turn off unnecessary lights
- To save money and energy
Why We’re Advocating for Dark Sky Friendly Lighting in Jackson Hole
Want to get involved?
Light pollution in Jackson has become a problem for the health and safety of people and wildlife, not to mention the wasted money and energy associated with unnecessary artificial light. Light pollution also impedes our ability to enjoy dark night skies. Many other cities around the globe are capitalizing on promoting their efforts to restore their night skies. We can save our night skies too! You can sign up below for the Save Our Night Skies E-mail list to receive updates on what’s happening with this campaign and you can participate in our citizen science research project with your smartphone to collect data on light pollution in Jackson Hole. Download instructions for how to participate in the citizen science research project here!
With generous support from the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole, the Teton Conservation District, 1% for the Tetons, the JH Travel and Tourism Board, Free Roaming Photography, the Teton Photography Group, the Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance, and many private donors we’re trying to help the Town of Jackson and Grand Teton National Park achieve Dark Sky Certification from the International Dark Sky Association. Why? Find out on our Save Our Night Skies page.