Astrophotography Target: The Andromeda Galaxy

Astrophotography Target: The Andromeda Galaxy

We’re kicking off a fun new monthly series of blog posts here on Wyoming Stargazing. This will be a monthly challenge to hone your astrophotography skills on a different deep-space target each month. This month’s astrophotography target is the Andromeda Galaxy. Our nearest galactic neighbor can be found by looking north-northeast toward the constellation of […]

Snow King Observatory Status from Summer 2015

Architecture design by Jakub Galczynski: If you’ve ever visited us at one of our free programs, talked with us a bit on a stargazing tour, or even just clicked around this site a little, you know one of our major goals is to bring an observatory and planetarium to Jackson Hole. So how’s that […]

Dodging a Catastrophe at Shooting Star

Over the weekend we hosted a stargazing program at the Shooting Star Golf Club at Teton Village. What was expected to be a routine stargazing program for a large group nearly had a disastrous impact on our equipment. Sam got underway running an indoor program to kickoff the night for the 60 or so people […]

Wyncote Academy

Although the clouds didn’t cooperate this week for Stargazing at Stilson, last week we had by far our biggest turnout of over 30 people thanks to a visit from Wyncote Academy from Philadelphia.  The group of high school students were on a tour of Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone when they heard about our […]

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